Saturday, May 30, 2009

President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Judge Sotomayor will be seated on the high court. Republicans will not be able to stop her because most assuredly they will not get filibuster support and of course the Dems can easily count on Snow and Collins to confirm . I believe she deserves and up or down vote, that is what is meant by advice and consent. I do believe Republicans can score some political points at the same time they do the right thing. New Haven Fire , New Haven Fire , New Haven Fire. Did I make myself clear? Racial Discrimination is when you discriminate on race, end of story. Trot the hard working, blue collar salt of the earth fire fighters out to the American public particularly after Judge Sotomayor is overturned by the very court she is looking to sit on and right before her confirmation. I love when a 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' comes together. These guys studied for a promotional exam to Lieutenant and there Hispanic and black brethren did not, or did not study enough or are just not capable of being ranking FD Officers. In any case these white Americans had the door slammed in their face because of the color of their skin and the City Fathers as well as Judge Sotomyer thinks that is OK, evidenced by her summary dismissal of their suit. Dismissed without as much as a presentation of inquire or oral arguments. She and her ilk do not want a 'Affirmative Action' discrimination suit on the high court because the Michigan case did enough damage to Liberal discrimination. Oh yes, and there is the Latina woman white man comment.