Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama and the War on Terror

President Obama ran for office on a platform that at it's most simplest form told the voters, that George Bush's methods that have prevented a terror attack on US soil for seven years, were to harsh and illegal, and in Obama's words "in fact have made us less safe". Now that he is now the Commander in Chief, Mr Obama has set out on a course of dismantling the tools that the previous Bush Administration relied on and has taken a less strident tone toward protecting America in the post 9-11 world claiming that his way will better insure our safety and security. There is really nothing the opposition to this method can do but wait out Mr Obama. If we do get hit after he decided to demonize Bush for being to stalwart in American defense and Obama the institutes a procedure of closing Gitmo, not wire tapping without a warrant in any circumstance, failing to track terror funding, and a blanket objective of trying all terror suspects in criminal court, what is his fall back position if we get hit. What does a man who ran around talking about how we are 'less safe' because of the actions of his successful predecessor say when one terrorist does get through after he instituted less protective policies.

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