Friday, December 14, 2007

Al Gore is Now Eco-Friendly

Al Gore has just completed renovations to his Tennessee homestead to make it one of the highest levels of Energy Conservation Frugality a house can be. This after the Nobel Peace price winner was criticized back in February of this year for having a home that used 10 times the energy of the average US household. Which in itself is no surprise since Gore's place is 10 times the size of the average US home. He purchased the home for 2.3 mil a few years ago and it was and energy consumption vacuum. He does not of course walk it like he talks it so while he was running around the globe in private jets and black gas guzzling Suburbans with a tail car full of machine gun totting body guards (are they US Secret Service agents, that I do not know but you can bet I will be researching that issue to see if they are protect that over sized 'rectal methane emitter the US taxpayers dime?) telling the masses how to live he of course was doing the exact opposite. He got busted and spent what you can be sure to be hundreds of thousands of dollars out fitting the crib with, solar panels, gyro thermo heat pumps and a bunch of other environmentalist 'chicken little' the world will end tomorrow fixes.
Maybe his next great idea will be an Energy Consumption tax. Any home you own that consumes a percentage above 1990 energy consumption for that size home will be taxed.
If you are a tax and spend liberal I am sure you just got aroused.

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