Sunday, August 10, 2008

The New York Times Fights for The Little Guy

'Mr. Bush’s hapless, and often unconstitutional, approach to combating terrorism will leave his successor a great deal of work to do. The rule of law, including fair and open trials, must be restored. Guantanamo needs to be shut down, as Mr. McCain has said many times. Detainees must be put on trial quickly in real courts, and those who are not guilty must be freed.
There are some evidently dangerous men in Guantanamo, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused of being the organizer of the Sept. 11 attacks. But it is hard to see a real trial ever taking place for Mr. Mohammed, who was subject to waterboarding and other abuse during interrogation, and the priority assigned to a small fish like Mr. Hamdan makes us wonder whether the administration has powerful cases against the hundreds of other Guantánamo detainees.
Mr. Bush’s supporters have been crowing over the Hamdan verdict as if it were some kind of a triumph. In truth, it is a hollow victory in the war on terror, a blow to America’s standards of justice and image in the world.'

And so sums up a Saturday 9th of August, 2008 editorial in the NY Times as to the Bush Administration's handling of the non existent war on terror. The Times takes great pains to inform the reader that Mr. Hamdan, is but a livery driver who my have been sitting at a cab stand and by chance Osama Bin Laden loaded two surface to air missiles in the trunk, jumped in the back seat and yelled "taxi follow that cab". Perfect scenario for a Saturday night in front of the TCM cable channel but does not work well in the real world after the events of 9-11 and the invasion of Afghanistan. If Mr. Hamdan is such a lowly figure in the world of Al Qeda to parse the explanation of his true status as his defender would lead you to believe, to be such that he was not even listed of the regular payroll ledger the way the Goat milk delivery man was, why did he just not blend into the hills and caves of his adopted country when he saw the contrails of US Cruise Missiles streaking across the midnight sky?

He did not because once the invading infidel US troops were on the ground of Afghanistan, Mr Hamdan was carrying out his duties as a loyal member of Al Qeda when arrested. Osama Bin Laden before the 9-11 Attacks was marked for death by the CIA. He is not just going to pick any Arab retard with a fourth grade education to be his driver. He is going to make sure that the driver he picks that is charged with such lowly responsibilities at times such as, shuttling Osama about to seek pleasure in various forms of debauchery with the 13 year old daughters of mountain sheep herders, can just as well turn on a dime and deliver surface to air missiles to resistant leaders when the invaders come.

Mr Hamdan was has been held in captivity for the past seven years for one very good reason, he is a danger to the United states. His trial was carried out under the laws of the United states as set forth by Congress, interpreted by the Courts and enforced by the Administration. Mr Hamdan was found guilty of one count and sentenced accordingly. He hopefully will not be released when his sentence is up but only when his sentence is up and he no longer poses a threat to the United States and many innocent peoples around the world. If this happens to coincide with the cessation of hostilities between radical Islamic fanatics, the United States of America and it's allies through out the world, so be it.

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